About the Alley

Welcome to The Alleyway! This blog is run by Ally Taylor, a 22 year old graduate student with a huge love of makeup. I was born and raised in New Jersey, and traveled south to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania to go to college. I studied computer science for my bachelor's degree and am now pursuing an MFA in poetry, and this blog combines the best of both those worlds - my love of computers and my love of words, and thrown together with a healthy dash of makeup.

I'm a coffee addict, and nothing is more satisfying than shoe-shopping with Starbucks in hand. Fall is my favorite season, but that doesn't mean I don't love winter snows or hot summer days. Give me a good fantasy novel or a brand new video game, and I'll be entertained for days.

If you're like me, and can't avoid Sephora or the beauty aisle in a drug store, come join me on The Alleyway!

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